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Bahman Ghobadi, Shinji Aoyama, Ki-Yong Park - Jeonju Digital Project 2003 (2003)

Daf (40min)
Faeegh living in a village near the border with Iraq is a hawking player and has 3 wives and 11 children. He and his family make musical instrument, called Daf. Daf is the most famous Iranian instrument with a special site among Kurds and made from the sheepskin. They live in absolute poverty. This film is a combination of music and life and we enter into the life of this strange family.
Bahman Ghobadi

Like a Desperado under the Eaves (41min)
Akihiko lives in an old apartment. He plays the guitar and sings his own pieces in the street, but his dream wasn't meant to be like this. The owner of the apartment next door constantly repeats Buddhist prayers night and day. A strange middle-aged man who wants to be kicked out of the apartment on the upper floor. His everyday is such an ordinary, but strange.
Aoyama Shinji

Digital Search (33min)
The director vaguely thinks that he should try to find something new. He is captured by the obsession to find something new because it is digital. For the moment he gets out on the streets with his digital camera and he snoops around. While he explores the digital world capturing street girls under the red lights, firemen and kindergarteners, we can find something new that we've missed in our ordinary lives before.
Park Ki-Yong Search.avi

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