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Come September (1961)

Come September (1961)

Robert Talbot (Rock Hudson, proving his comedic talent) has a beautiful Italian villa he only uses during the month of September, which also fits his beautiful local girlfriend, Lisa (Gina Lollobrigida)for that same month a year. Lisa is so frustrated that she is preparing to marry an English gentlemen (Sidney Howard), but she reconsiders when Robert decides to fly in in July. What the business man does not know is that his butler, Maurice (Walter Slezak, who nearly steals the show), has been using the villa as a hotel. Talbot finds his place swarming with tourists, including a group of college girls. And then the college boys make a landing, headed by Tony (Bobby Darin) who immediately sets his sights on Sandy (Sandra Dee), while Talbot cunningly tries to keep these young fellows away from the girls, which leads to more funny and romantic complications.

This movie is fantastic all around. From the breathtakingly gorgeous Italian scenery, to the costumes, wonderful chemistry between the actors, and the music (with Darin crooning one of his own tunes, "Multplication" in a dance sequence), "Come September" is priceless. The electricity between Darin and Dee is so apparent, and this is a fitting tribute to both of them, and the fact that they married after filming wrapped makes the viewing of the film all the more enjoyable. september.avi september.avi

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